We want to make your first visit to our office as comfortable as possible. Our staff is knowledgeable, helpful, and will provide the best care for you. To help us serve you better, we request that you bring the following items:
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
This government site contains patient information on many digestive disorders as well as linkages to other digestive disease sites.
Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America
This site provides extensive information for patients with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.
American Liver Foundation
This site provides a great deal of information on almost every liver condition.
This site provides education about this Celiac disease along with information about special dietary needs.
Vasantha Pai, MD , is a provider for Medicare and most major insurance plans, and provides insurance billing. You are responsible for co-payments, deductibles or charges that are not covered by your insurance. If you have questions regarding billing or which insurance plans we accept, please contact us. Questions regarding insurance coverage and benefits should be directed to your employer or insurance company.
We accept cash, personal checks and major credit cards.